Thursday, October 25, 2012

Magical Black Box

My love for TV shows is embarrassing. Ever since I was 13 and my best friend and I started watching the final season of Friends back when it was actually on TV, I've been hooked. (She and I can probably quote from memory the entire series. Yup. We're those girls. "Ohhh. Myyyy. Goddddd.")

Back when I was still in high school, my mom and I would watch Will & Grace and Grey's Anatomy religiously. Sunday nights were unashamedly reserved for Desperate Housewives, which, along with my aunt, cousin, and (though he'll deny it) my brother, we would watch with chips, dip, wine and chocolate. Those times, it wasn't even as much the show (soap-y and ridiculous), but the atmosphere and tradition that was so enjoyable.

In college, I moved on to shows I actually wanted to watch in my free time. Dexter, Mad Men, and of course Friends reruns via DVD took up most of my TV attention. Senior year I was obsessed into SyFy's quirky series Eureka, which I still occasionally watch on Netflix if I'm in the mood; that show and Friends got me through writing my thesis.

The last couple of years, perhaps thanks to the eternal glory of Netflix, I've started watching some hilarious and awesome shows. Those on the popular TV circuit include Rules of Engagement, Parks and Recreation, How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory and Modern Family**.
                   **I constantly (and to the annoyance of anyone unlucky enough to be watching with me) giggle and point 
                       out jokes that have been borrowed from Friends in these more modern shows.

More dramatic recent watches include Hell on Wheels, Justified, Sons of Anarchy, Detroit 187 and The Unusuals. A couple, such as the latter two cop dramas, have been cancelled much to my dismay. I'm behind on SoA (it's so SO dramatic! A girl needs a little comedic relief!) and caught entirely up on Hell on Wheels (a gritty drama about the building of the Union Pacific railroad) and Justified (an absolutely fantastic Timothy Olyphant as a trigger-happy U.S. marshal sent back home to eastern Kentucky). These last two I can't recommend enough if you're looking for something to watch!

Oh, and let's not forget the cherry on top...perhaps my absolute new favorite:
Season 3 is due to start next year!

 ...So. Yes. I like TV shows a wee bit. I'm the kind of person who can re-watch her favorite shows over and over, hundreds of times. I watch reruns of Friends and How I Met Your Mother in the mornings when I get ready (I've seen them so many times that I don't actually need to watch the screen, ha) and when I'm doing boring, quiet chores like washing dishes or cleaning out my dresser. I think it's because a) the episodes are short, so I can watch one while I do my makeup, and not have to worry about missing or pausing anything, b) unlike a book, I don't have to devote my entire attention to the activity of watching TV, and c) good shows pack a lot of punch- a lot of humor and drama and ups and downs. They're like a really, really, really long movie made to watch in short segments. That sounds way dumb, but for that reason, TV shows are perfect for someone like me who always wants more out of movies, and all the important parts of a story in 20 minutes while she looks for her keys.

Bam. There it is. I'm a TV nerd. Netflix and old Friends DVDs will forever have my heart.

:) Sammie

Monday, October 22, 2012

Columbus Marathon!

No, I didn't run in it.

But, BUT I am a runner!  If you've been following along, you know I used to hate running with the burning fire of a thousand suns (seriously). I come from a very athletic and sports-oriented family, and I played sports through high school-- soccer, basketball, track and field, water polo, and volleyball. However, running as a singular sport or exercise always made me wrinkle my nose and go "Eugh, who would DO that?!" (Even in track and field, I did the long jump, and to get out of running laps, I'd say I had to go practice my steps.)

In college I didn't play any intramural sports, and only worked out minimally. I luckily never gained the freshman 15 due to a fantastic metabolism and relatively healthy eating habits. I would go to the gym and do the elliptical a few times a week for a few months at a time, and then find some excuse like finals to stop going. I did yoga regularly, but a half-hour yoga workout three times a week just wasn't really "working out" to me. I also walked everywhere-- my undergraduate institution, Ohio University, is in a beautiful, hilly region in southeast Ohio, and their parking sucks, so I had no car and was walking up and down hills to get everywhere. So, I inadvertently was decently in shape by the time I graduated in 2011.

At that point I bought a car and moved back to Columbus to go to grad school. Suddenly I was driving everywhere and getting fantastic free food at the restaurant where I was working (Northstar Cafe, for any of you Columbus residents... MMM). I didn't gain weight but I could tell I was slowly getting out of shape.

Fast forward to 2012. I got into reading several blogs-- one a vegan mom, another a personal trainer... and I felt like I knew enough to get back in shape and start living a healthier lifestyle. I was eating pretty healthily, but still not working out, until this past summer. It's not that I didn't like how I looked, but I knew I could look better. I knew I could be stronger. And sometimes, in my silly fantasy/sci-fi loving mind, I thought, "What if someone chased me and I couldn't outrun them? What if someone grabbed me and I couldn't fight them off?" (Yes, I'm weird.) Regardless, I like knowing that I'm strong and able, and heck, YES I like wearing skinny jeans.

So I started running.

I heard of this program called Couch to 5K that is designed for beginner runners; it eases you into running slowly and negates the horribly painful and breathless feelings new runners get after they try to run for too long (I've felt that many a time-- hence why I HATED RUNNING!) The program is easy and fun, and it gave me such a great feeling every time I logged a workout. Looking back I can see the progress I've made, from running one minute at a time to running 28 minutes straight. I can also see so much difference in my body; my endurance, obviously, but also my legs, my abs and even my arms! Running is great. It's fun, it clears my mind and de-stresses me, it makes me feel productive and strong, and I can tell that I'm so much healthier.

Yesterday, I ran three miles, the longest run I've done to date. As I cooled down, I walked up Grandview Avenue and watched runners in the Columbus Marathon jog past mile marker 22 (!!). It was so inspiring-- there was music and water and tons of people from the community- both businesses and residents- cheering the participants on. One little boy was holding out his hand to high-five the runners :) Watching the marathon inspired me to keep running after I finish Couch to 5K, and maybe someday enter a race myself.

Sammie, the running convert

PS-- if anyone wants to buy me Christmas present, a gift card to Brooks Running would be great, thanks. :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Death of the Garden

Hello! Happy October all.

Yesterday, I destroyed my garden. It was time.
I trimmed and chopped and yanked my weatherbeaten herbs and flowers out of their summer pots in preparation for the frosty weather coming our way.

Some are living inside with me over the winter (jade, sage, mint)

Others are drying to decorate my place and make it smell good (rosemary, lemon thyme). Hanging these up made me feel like an apothecary or a medicine woman. Or a witch.....IT'S ALMOST HALLOWEEN! 

Last week was incredibly hectic, so this past weekend was lovely and relaxing. I scored some funky sunflowers at the FarMar:

and went to my first Buckeye game of the season with my ma:
 Our tiny, chilly tailgate. We may have been loners (due to new, dumb parking rules) but we had FUN! (due to beer cookies.)

Warm up!

 Me and Pheebz.

I'm halfway through the semester at OSU. I'm so glad to be at Ohio State; I grew up in Columbus so proud of the place that employs my mom and consistently generates amazing community and impressive academics. I wasn't ready for the scarlet and gray as an 18-year old, and got the heck out of Dodge for a bit, but I'm glad to be back! In another semester-and-a-half, I'll be an OSU grad and hopefully scoring a job at a local institution of higher education or a fun non-profit. 

I want a job that fulfills and inspires me, but that I don't take home with me and stress over. I want a clear job-personal life separation. I want a paycheck that allows me to live comfortably and save for a house (I'm a nerd and cannot wait to be a homeowner). I also want a job that improves Columbus, even if in some small way. Columbus is freakin' awesome, and I want to be a part of making it even better.

In other news, I want my nails painted this color:

 Scotch Naturals "Hot Toddy"

...and now I want an apple cider hot toddy with Woodford. I'm (still) reveling in all that is fall :)

'Til next time!
