Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Life Lately


Life has been insanely busy lately; along with classes, accounting (granted, this is a class too, but I count this one as a separate kind of hell -- who cares about debits and credits anyway? That's why they have ACCOUNTING MAJORS), work, dog-walking and fruit-selling, I am now house and pet-sitting for two weeks for some friends of mine. While they're flitting around Paris, Florence, Venice and Rome, I'm staying in their cute home in Grandview just a couple of blocks from my apartment.

Here are my companions:
Basement cat, aka Peanut (oh, come on, you guys know Basement Cat)
These two are quite the characters, let me tell ya. Gunther is like a happy-go-lucky, slightly destructive ADHD child who skips around the house, nearly breaking his legs jumping on and off of furniture that is much bigger than he is, barking at nothing and staring with his buggy eyes. Peanut is like that kid's grizzled old grandmother who has to put up with his antics -- if she's not sitting in the doily-covered chair where she spends 90% of her time, she is looking on with the most perfect scorn I've ever seen as Gunther whines about everything something.

Aside from my brain feeling like it's running on overdrive (and the hint of my annual fall cold, which I am stubbornly ignoring with my own personal classic "It's just ALLERGIES!!" They always say to be positive when you feel a cold coming on, right? Mind over body?), life has been sweet. I finally bought some new jeans from Old Navy, whose fall styles seem to be a huge hit or a miserable miss for me every year -- this year's a hit! Levi's just ain't cuttin' it for me anymore. 

Also, running is going well (surprisingly... If you know me, you've probably heard me say, "I hate running. Did you know it's actually bad for your body?!" Yeah). I'm doing Cool Running's Couch-to-5K program, which has been completely manageable and has surprised me with great results so far! But more on that later.

Now for a few iPhone pics of life lately:

Creme brulee cheesecake at the wine tasting my mom works at every Friday evening (drool).

Peaches, nectarines and Asian pears at the Farmer's Market.

Cat-in-a-box. Hope you didn't want a Mountain Dew.

Walking the big dog on a rainy day.

Said big dog, Snickers, my daily walking buddy 
(picture obviously from a long-lost, wintry corner of my iPhone).
My all-time favorite zoo animal, the okapi -- it's a horse! It's a zebra! It's a giraffe!
...Nope, he's just an okapi.

:) happy mid-September!


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