Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mid-day Day-dream: Home Edition

I love the big, old, showy houses in Grandview that I see on my daily dog walks.  Since I don't listen to music or putz around on my phone on our walks, and Snickers is a pretty minimal (read: slow) responsibility on a leash, I'm free to daydream about the big houses for sale and what I'd do with them. 

I love the thought of home ownership, and plan on buying a house as soon as I can feasibly handle the financial commitment; I look forward to getting a dog, doing yard work, making a fun backyard patio and front porch, and all kinds of other house-y things!  Obviously, there are a lot of other, not-so-fun responsibilities that come along with owning a house, but still, I can't wait!

Below is one of my favorites on our walk that I could actually afford. (Sidenote: I don't really want to buy a house in Grandview... it's very, very urban and close to downtown and the yards are really small. But hey, if I were going to, this is a fun one!)

I kind of love the retro brown and beige colors :) It has a fun farmhouse vibe and a decent sized yard for Grandview-- room for a doggie and a front and back porch renovation!  I'd make the bottom floor an open floor plan with hardwoods and rugs, and the upstairs an airy level for art, writing and reading, and a bright bedroom with soft whites and pops of color provided by artwork and DIY projects.  I love Emily Schuman(of Cupcakes and Cashmere)'s nightstand project:

...and I think even for my apartment now, a New Year's resolution is going to be to have fresh flowers in my place more.  I love the look and the smell!

I also adore art walls, and I'm working on my own in my apartment now.  Here is my inspiration, from my mom's house:

From Thanksgiving-- notice the turkey on the chalkboard!
They're so fun to keep adding to-- I'm going to an art sale in a few weeks to find some new pieces for my place!  Thrifting funky art is a passion of mine too, and I have to brave the cold and get back to some of my favorite consignment shops in Grandview.  I'll keep you posted!  Sometimes treasure is only a resale shop away.


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