Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day!

Happy May Day, everyone! I'm pretty darn excited (and might secretly wish I had a maypole to dance around); May is my absolute favorite month of the year. It's the really warm part of spring, full of flowers (lilies of the valley, my favorite!) and sunshine and it's perfect for picnics and adventures. It's full of celebration (May Day, commencement, wine tastings, Cinco de Mayo, the Kentucky Derby, Memorial Day, and my birthday!). And it's the gateway into summer after months of cold, snow and rain. Yay May!

A few photos from late, rainy April:

"If you can't get out of the rain, you might as well drink from the puddles." -Snickers

Flowering tree!
I'm so thrilled to be done with school. I found out yesterday that I not only passed, but got an A in my capstone class! I really enjoyed college, loved it in fact, and I appreciate all the amazing opportunities and the growing personally, professionally and academically that I did during those years. However, after six straight years of college, two schools, two degrees, dozens upon dozens of classes, countless pages written and presentations given, I. am. done. At every stage in life, I think it's a good sign if you look back fondly at the last part, but are also really looking forward to the next part, whatever that might be, and I've been fortunate enough to feel this way at every stage.

Champagne, because there's been lots to celebrate lately :) also, the coolest wine label ever. 

Speaking of the next stage, I have a second interview at Battelle for Kids on Friday! Wish me luck :)

Like I was talking about at the beginning of this post, there's a lot going on soon. The first Friday night wine tasting is also on Friday-- it'll be a great way to unwind after the interview. The first outdoor farmer's market is Saturday morning, and the Glenn School's Pre-Commencement ceremony is in the afternoon. Then commencement is on Sunday, and our speaker is President Obama! Seriously, whatever your political views, it's pretty awesome that OSU got the president to speak at our commencement. (However, it's going to be a looong day. But worth it! Helloo second college diploma.)

A few more shots of life lately:

New shoez. Thanks Mom :)
This building always makes me think of The Big Bang Theory. I wonder if there's a Sheldon in there somewhere... 
Emily dog-sat for this lil' cutie last week! His name? Binkley. *cue animal sqee-ing noises* I almost dognapped him.

Cheers and happy MAY!!


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