Monday, October 22, 2012

Columbus Marathon!

No, I didn't run in it.

But, BUT I am a runner!  If you've been following along, you know I used to hate running with the burning fire of a thousand suns (seriously). I come from a very athletic and sports-oriented family, and I played sports through high school-- soccer, basketball, track and field, water polo, and volleyball. However, running as a singular sport or exercise always made me wrinkle my nose and go "Eugh, who would DO that?!" (Even in track and field, I did the long jump, and to get out of running laps, I'd say I had to go practice my steps.)

In college I didn't play any intramural sports, and only worked out minimally. I luckily never gained the freshman 15 due to a fantastic metabolism and relatively healthy eating habits. I would go to the gym and do the elliptical a few times a week for a few months at a time, and then find some excuse like finals to stop going. I did yoga regularly, but a half-hour yoga workout three times a week just wasn't really "working out" to me. I also walked everywhere-- my undergraduate institution, Ohio University, is in a beautiful, hilly region in southeast Ohio, and their parking sucks, so I had no car and was walking up and down hills to get everywhere. So, I inadvertently was decently in shape by the time I graduated in 2011.

At that point I bought a car and moved back to Columbus to go to grad school. Suddenly I was driving everywhere and getting fantastic free food at the restaurant where I was working (Northstar Cafe, for any of you Columbus residents... MMM). I didn't gain weight but I could tell I was slowly getting out of shape.

Fast forward to 2012. I got into reading several blogs-- one a vegan mom, another a personal trainer... and I felt like I knew enough to get back in shape and start living a healthier lifestyle. I was eating pretty healthily, but still not working out, until this past summer. It's not that I didn't like how I looked, but I knew I could look better. I knew I could be stronger. And sometimes, in my silly fantasy/sci-fi loving mind, I thought, "What if someone chased me and I couldn't outrun them? What if someone grabbed me and I couldn't fight them off?" (Yes, I'm weird.) Regardless, I like knowing that I'm strong and able, and heck, YES I like wearing skinny jeans.

So I started running.

I heard of this program called Couch to 5K that is designed for beginner runners; it eases you into running slowly and negates the horribly painful and breathless feelings new runners get after they try to run for too long (I've felt that many a time-- hence why I HATED RUNNING!) The program is easy and fun, and it gave me such a great feeling every time I logged a workout. Looking back I can see the progress I've made, from running one minute at a time to running 28 minutes straight. I can also see so much difference in my body; my endurance, obviously, but also my legs, my abs and even my arms! Running is great. It's fun, it clears my mind and de-stresses me, it makes me feel productive and strong, and I can tell that I'm so much healthier.

Yesterday, I ran three miles, the longest run I've done to date. As I cooled down, I walked up Grandview Avenue and watched runners in the Columbus Marathon jog past mile marker 22 (!!). It was so inspiring-- there was music and water and tons of people from the community- both businesses and residents- cheering the participants on. One little boy was holding out his hand to high-five the runners :) Watching the marathon inspired me to keep running after I finish Couch to 5K, and maybe someday enter a race myself.

Sammie, the running convert

PS-- if anyone wants to buy me Christmas present, a gift card to Brooks Running would be great, thanks. :)

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