Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Death of the Garden

Hello! Happy October all.

Yesterday, I destroyed my garden. It was time.
I trimmed and chopped and yanked my weatherbeaten herbs and flowers out of their summer pots in preparation for the frosty weather coming our way.

Some are living inside with me over the winter (jade, sage, mint)

Others are drying to decorate my place and make it smell good (rosemary, lemon thyme). Hanging these up made me feel like an apothecary or a medicine woman. Or a witch.....IT'S ALMOST HALLOWEEN! 

Last week was incredibly hectic, so this past weekend was lovely and relaxing. I scored some funky sunflowers at the FarMar:

and went to my first Buckeye game of the season with my ma:
 Our tiny, chilly tailgate. We may have been loners (due to new, dumb parking rules) but we had FUN! (due to beer cookies.)

Warm up!

 Me and Pheebz.

I'm halfway through the semester at OSU. I'm so glad to be at Ohio State; I grew up in Columbus so proud of the place that employs my mom and consistently generates amazing community and impressive academics. I wasn't ready for the scarlet and gray as an 18-year old, and got the heck out of Dodge for a bit, but I'm glad to be back! In another semester-and-a-half, I'll be an OSU grad and hopefully scoring a job at a local institution of higher education or a fun non-profit. 

I want a job that fulfills and inspires me, but that I don't take home with me and stress over. I want a clear job-personal life separation. I want a paycheck that allows me to live comfortably and save for a house (I'm a nerd and cannot wait to be a homeowner). I also want a job that improves Columbus, even if in some small way. Columbus is freakin' awesome, and I want to be a part of making it even better.

In other news, I want my nails painted this color:

 Scotch Naturals "Hot Toddy"

...and now I want an apple cider hot toddy with Woodford. I'm (still) reveling in all that is fall :)

'Til next time!


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