Monday, December 31, 2012


I can't believe it's already December 31st, New Year's Eve!  (And also, my brother's birthday, haha.)  I've been bad at blogging this month-- the semester ended, and this is the first winter break I haven't been working a major side job in about 8 years. I got a cold and lazed around for a week, then I got better... and lazed around some more! Hey, what's break for anyways?

I thought I'd share some pictures from the last few weeks around my neck of the woods before the year is over.

Some of my favorite tree ornaments!

Christmas buddies

Christmas Eve! All decorated with presents under the tree.
Since I moved out on my own, I spend Christmas Eve at my apartment. It's been a great night alone the past two years, and I get to develop my own little holiday traditions (fancy Chianti, anyone?). I'm lucky to have my whole family living in the same city as me, so I can see them lots during the holidays, but still have my own space and celebrations.

My mom's super old spritz cookie press. Yum! Also, wine, another holiday staple.

Also, in the days after Christmas we had two pretty big snow storms here in Ohio. Last year's winter was so warm and non-snowy, I think this year we've already gotten more snow!

Like I said. Snow.
My mom's dog Rio LOVES snow :)
And the old Snickers-boy. The left shot was from one of the few snowy days last winter, and the right was from last week.
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and has some fun plans to ring in the New Year!  I'm planning a post recapping 2012 and exploring some resolutions I have for 2013. It's going to be great, I tell you!


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