Monday, December 3, 2012

Lazy Day

Do you ever have fantastically lazy days where you do nothing and yet you get a ton done?

Yeah, neither do I. My lazy days usually also involve being extremely unproductive, which is awesome most of the time, but not when I have a ton to do.

But somehow, today was one of those days--a lazy-but-get-a-ton-done-day. And it came at the perfect time; it's the end of the semester, so I have a ton of schoolwork to do and to worry about doing, and work stuff that I couldn't care less about but it still stresses me out because I want to do it well. My "free" time is busy, and money is tiiiiiiiiiight, and holy-crap-I-need a-day-off!

 But today... ahh. Busy yet lazy. Blazy. Yep, I went there. Don't judge.

Here are some things that happened today:
  • I slept in. ('Til 9:30, but that's sleeping in for me, and I didn't have to wake up to an alarm!)
  • I did NOT put on makeup.
  • I wrote ten pages (!!) of my huge Environmental Policy paper that I'm actually really proud of.
  • I cleaned.
  • I did dishes.
  • I took out the trash (my only trip outside today).
  • I didn't run. (Oh well. Tuesday morning run, here I come.)
  • I watched Justified and How I Met Your Mother and Community.
  • My best friend made me dinner when other plans fell through. (Burrito night, thanks Ben!)
  • I found some fun new blogs.
  • I  improvised the chimney sweep dance from Mary Poppins.
  • I laughed way too hard at myself.
And now I'm in bed and I just had to set my alarm for tomorrow morning. *siigh* But this is the last week of class of the semester, and the second-to last week of work, and I have fun posts coming up and Today. Was. Awesome. Here's to blazy days and making up words and laughing at yourself :)

OSU campus, last Friday night at ten-til-5:00pm. I always hate seeing the sun set so early, haha, but the sunset was pretty!


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