Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Day of Cute.

I don't know if it's the arrival of spring (finally!!) but Saturday was full of adorable.

--At the Farmer's Market, the neighboring vendor's baby girl learned how to walk sometime in the last week. She's super smiley and animated, and she walked over to me and gave me her shoe and giggled. I about died from cute overload.

--I saw seeing eye dogs being trained at Target (I assume to get them used to people). There was a German Shepherd and a black Lab. They were still young, and while they weren't exactly experts at focusing on their job just yet, they were some sweet puppers, and it took all my willpower not to pet them.

--The weather was beautiful, and as I was walking outside, a little boy and his dad rode past me on bikes. I caught the following bit of their conversation (talking about some nearby store I assume):

             "Dad! They have more candy than ANYone!!"
             "Oh really?"
             "Yeah, we should go! Do you like Take 5 bars?"
             "They HAVE those!! Let's go!"

(I mean, his logic was flawless.)

Aaaand scene.  I can't wait for the Farmer's Market to move outside to High Street in Olde Worthington again (the first weekend in May); there are so many puppies and kiddos to see!

All the cute and happy of yesterday even managed to keep me positive in the face of the final three weeks of the semester (and my final three weeks of school EVER). I have three papers to write, three presentations to give, and about a million class visits to do for work. But soon, I'll be done with school for. eh. ver.  If that's not a happy thought, I don't know what is!


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