Monday, April 1, 2013

2013 Garden

Like everyone else in the Midwest this year, I am hardcore craving spring. I think Mother Nature is making up for last year's early spring, with flowers in the middle of March, with this year's extra-late spring. I've seen a few patches of crocuses, a couple of daffodils here and there the last few days, but man, the forecast today predicted flurries. come. on.

The trees are budding though, the birds are singing, and I bet in the next few weeks we'll see ACTUAL spring--flowers and new leaves and green-ness and warmth. 

I've been planning my balcony garden nonstop, ever since the moment I sadly realized it's been so long since garden season, I'd literally forgotten where I stashed my flowerpots for the winter (I finally remembered: down in my apartment's semi-creepy basement). I can't wait to bring them back up, fill them with new soil, and get 'em outside!

I'm not planting any veggies this year due to the many, many veggie thieves that inhabit my neighborhood (squirrels, bunnies, finches, I'm looking at you!). But here's what I will be planting:

Lemon Thyme
Pink Chintz Thyme


I'm not starting seeds indoors this year because I can get most of my herbs already started from the farmer's market vendor I work for, and the rest I'm going to start outdoors at the beginning of May (you know, if it's not still snowing then). All the flowers I'll be growing are sun-loving and non-delicious to scavenging animals, so the sprouts should be safe! I'll also put some of my indoor plants outside like my Boston ivy and succulents.

Now, come on warm weather!!

A jolly green giant // Herbs from last year's garden
Flowers from last year's garden // A slightly-less-jolly, green, shorter-than-a-giant


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