Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Life Lately

A few iPhone shots of the past few weeks:

I got my hair chopped! 
The first sign of spring: my mint exploded thanks to a couple of fifty degree days.
Ben's birthday rolled around, and we all know what that means... cheesecake!
My masterpiece:
To celebrate, we met Emily and Nate for a drink... and tater tots.  Gotta love GC.
Then a few days later, this stinker turned five years old!
His cake-master genius Grandma made this Kick Buttowski cake:
...and he made a wish and blew out the candles.  aaaaaaaadorable.
There were some pretty, almost-spring days at OSU!
 ...and a warm weekend afternoon was spent on my mom's patio.
Oh, but wait, we live in Ohio-- this is what Monday morning looked like.

Come on, spring!!

In other news: the job applications continue; I have "second-year-grad-student"-itis; the President is my commencement speaker; I suddenly like oatmeal; I'm planning my balcony garden (if it ever gets warm); there is only one more month of indoor farmer's markets; I'm stressed and tired and happy.

This is the first time in my life that I'm really not sure of what's coming next (school/job/money-wise).  It's a little terrifying, but exciting!  Here's to optimism!  :)


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