Friday, March 15, 2013

Annie Hall

Yesterday, I watched the movie Annie Hall with my mom. My mom and I have a very similar taste in movies, and she and I are official "old-movie" watching partners-- we almost exclusively watch movies from the 1970s and before.

Annie Hall stars Woody Allen (also the director) and Diane Keaton, and was one of Allen's seminal works of the '70s. The movie examines a neurotic, obsessive comedian (Allen) and his relationship with the ditzy, pot-smoking singer Annie Hall (Keaton).

I've been wanting to see Annie Hall for a while, mostly because in How I Met Your Mother, Ted Mosby often uses it (his favorite movie) as the initial indicator of compatibility with a girl he's dating. (Watch, and laugh). He obsessively can't understand why people may not like the movie-- ironically similar to Allen's movie-loving character's attitude in the film itself.

Photo from IMDB
My favorite part of the movie was Diane Keaton's style: menswear to the max. She wore ties, vests and baggy suit trousers. Apparently this look in the movie inspired the resurgence of the menswear trend in fashion.

I also enjoyed watching the movie and realizing exactly why Ted Mosby likes it so much; it's set in NYC, and one of the underlying themes is that Allen loves the city, while everyone else is convinced that it's dying and that California is the place to be. Also, Allen is slightly arrogant, quick-witted and self-deprecating (similar to Ted), and he's constantly trying to convince himself he's found the right girl, but he keeps failing.

My other absolute favorite parts were the brief cameos from Christopher Walken (Annie Hall's brother) and Jeff Goldblum (who literally shows up for three seconds). Everyone looked so young!

So yes, I've seen my first movie starring Woody Allen; however I had no idea he wrote and directed Midnight in Paris (one of my favorite creative rom-coms from last year) and Match Point (which I thought was horrifying). Here's to seeing another little piece of movie history!

The next few movies on my list (that I haven't seen already) are:
Mystic River
Warm Bodies
Dances With Wolves
The Shining

And then I will always rewatch the following:
Lord of the Rings
Harry Potter
Anything by Hitchcock
...and about a million others. I love re-watching movies and we all know how I love to re-watch TV shows!


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