Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Today is my half birthday! 

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!

I don't have to go to work or class 'til MONDAY!

No, I'm not a half-birthday celebrator, but it's always fun when I do notice November 21st, the halfway point between my last birthday and my next one. I enjoy getting older (maybe because I'm only 23?) and every year seems to be more fun than the last. And hey, maybe I'll open up a pack of Zebra Cakes I have stashed in my cupboard (because duh, they are the best snack cakes, even above Twinkies) and stick a candle in one. Because I'm a dork like that. And maybe because I want to put off doing homework even longer *sigh*.  I think Ohio U. ruined me for grad school because at OU, you were DONE with fall quarter at Thanksgiving. And you didn't have to go back to class until JANUARY. It. Was. Awesome.

Anyways. Stay tuned for a Thanksgiving post in the next couple of days with a recipe for roasted sweet potaters. 

Happy Thanksgiving!!


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