Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Today is a big day.

I'm about to send in my resume and cover letter for my first "real" job..."real" as in, not a coffee shop, not a dog-walking gig, not a farmer's market vendor and not a 10-hour-a-week research job to support myself through school.

I appreciate all those jobs, and loved (and still love!) many of them. But today, I officially kick off the search for a full-time, hopefully salaried and benefitted, business-carded career!

I'm not likely to get the one I'm applying for because I'm still six months away from graduating and I'm still developing my professional experience, but AHH it's still so exciting to officially start getting myself out there. And, you know, a little terrifying.

In other news, I saw a giant deer while I was running this morning. Apparently, along with wooded areas and meadowland, their habitat now includes city.

Here's to big days!


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