Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lots of things.

Dear life, you are pretty awesome.

Dear director at Capital U., please read my whole resume and don't laugh at the fact that I'm still in school.

Dear coffee, I love you.

Dear donuts, I love you too.
(I sound like a cop)

Dear brother's knee, please recover from surgery quickly.

Dear Great-Uncle Eldon, I hope you and my grandpa are rockin' it up in heaven together (rest in peace).

Dear December, please come quickly so I can have a break from school.

Dear body, thanks for being so good at exercising (to my complete surprise) and thanks for not getting sick even though everyone everywhere seems to be!

Dear Penn Station, why are you so delicious? I should not be buying you so often.

Dear Thanksgiving, ohmygosh you are only a week away!

Dear BBC, thanks for making such awesome TV shows, like Luther.

Dear God, thank you for such amazing friends and family.


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